Legal Entity Identifier

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a twenty-digit alpha-numeric code that recognizes legal entities involved in financial dealings. While businesses frequently have company registration numbers in the country where they were founded, an LEI is an international standard designed to make cross-border transactions more frictionless. Although country-specific company registration requirements differ, the LEI format is universal.

What does an LEI stand for?

The LEI initiative was started in response to the financial crisis and attempts to improve the transparency of financial data systems. At the moment, there are a variety of ways for recognizing entities in various markets and countries. The Global LEI System, once fully operational, will ensure that there is only one standard system. Distinct nations have different legislation that requires the use of LEIs. The Global Legal Entity Identifier's main purpose, on the other hand, is to make it easier to identify any legal entity everywhere on the planet by simplifying, standardizing, and standardizing the process.

What happens if your LEI expires?

If a legal entity's Legal Entity Identifier expires, it will be unable to obtain loans from commercial banks and insurance firms by the Banking Authority's and Development Authority's schedules. In addition, legal entities will be unable to participate in the Money Market, banking, transactions, or financial processes.

Top reasons for the LEI number's popularity

Safety Against Fraud

While globalization and digitization have resulted in an increase in the number of major corporations, financial fraud and computer hackers in financial company's services have followed closely behind. The twenty-character Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and following LEI registry search has reduced fraud to a bare minimum, providing all relevant details, risk assessment analysis, and firm hierarchy in the shortest time possible.

Hazard Identification

Authorities' ability to identify risks, undertake market monitoring, and take corrective action has improved since the LEI was implemented. In financial transactions, you can assess the opposite party's overall risk as well as the risk of a single trading partner's concentration. A global LEI search lowers your risk exposure because you already know what you're getting into and where you're investing.

How to obtain a Legal Entity Identifier

  • Complete the LEI application form by filling up all of the blanks.
  • Fill out the application and pay with a payment card or using online banking.
  • Your information will be processed, and the LEI code will be emailed to you.

Your application will be sent for data validation as long as it satisfies your payment. Your LEI will arrive in the majority of cases within 2 to 4 hours.


The LEI entity search provides for more global market transparency. Since the legal entity details have been verified, data accuracy has been maintained. An LEI search is useful when starting a new legal entity to see if the requested registration has already been received or applied for. After establishing that the legal entity has not previously been assigned an LEI, the registration process can commence. It assists legal entities in their financial relations with one another.